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 Jackie grew up in Michigan  She has an amazing husband and three terrific sons.  Each son has a beautiful and talented wife.  She has also been blessed with precious grandchildren.  Jackie praises God for her family.


Jackie spent 15 years living and working in West Africa.  She enjoys looking back at that enriching and amazing time of her life.  


Jackie began working out when she reached a health crisis after having her last bout with malaria.  Fitness is what brought her health, strength and enjoyment of life back.  Seeing the tremendous value in preventative healthcare as well as a means to regain health she wanted to share that with others.  Jackie began teaching fitness in the Spring of 2007.  Her classes were held for the following 10 years at the Elfrida Community Center sponsored through grants  and C.C.H.C.I for a time. Now with funding tighter she is on her "own".  Elfrida Baptist Church has seen the value of the classes for the community and has generously donated the use of their facility for classes.


Jackie has her certification in Group Fitness, Personal Trainer, Yoga,& Zumba. She has received ongoing education credits in Nutrition, Longevity for Seniors, Eating Disorders, Zumba Gold, Zumba Gold Toning, Zumba Toning, Zumba Glutes, Zumba Abs, Dance Fuzecraze, Yochi, Injury Prevention, Pilates & Mat Science & TRX.  She earned these with Zumba,  AFAA/NASM. & Fitness Anywhere.


Jackie finds great joy in helping others find more strength, energy & enjoyment in their daily life.  





8:30 - 10:00

10:30 -11:30

5:00PM - 6:00PM






8:30 -10:00

10:30 - 11:30






Elfrida Baptist Church

10406 N US 191
Elfrida, AZ 85610

Tel: 520-337-0359

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