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Personal Training

Personal Training is just that - personal.  It is designed to help correct any imbalances in the body that may be found during the assessment.  It is also designed to meet your specific goals and get you on the fast track to health and fitness. 

Assessment Details


As you prepare for this assessment please be sure to:  


  1. Stay hydrated 24 hours leading up to the assessment

  2. Bring water 

  3. Bring your signed and witnessed paperwork 

  4. Bring your resting heart rate as explained in the paperwork

  5. Get a good night sleep 6-8 hours preferred

  6. Eat a healthy breakfast - avoid a heavy breakfast, alcohol & caffeine 

  7. Wear comfortable athletic type clothing that allows you to move freely

  8. Avoid strenuous activity the day of the test

  9. If asthmatic bring your inhaler

  10. If applies bring your physicians release i.e. diabetic, recovering from an injury etc.

  11. Bring any questions you may have


Fitness Assessment


To understand and have a base to get started a Fitness Assessment is needed.  This takes approximately 1 & 1/2 hours and cost is $45.


This assessment includes paperwork, which can be completed mostly ahead and practical performance activities.




Pricing for Personal Training

Per One Hour Session - $20


Prepaid 4 week periods

(Note this is paid upfront and missed sessions are not reimbursed unless 
it's Jackie who needs to cancel)


 2 times per week - $150




8:30 - 10:00

10:30 -11:30

5:00PM - 6:00PM






8:30 -10:00

10:30 - 11:30






Elfrida Baptist Church

10406 N US 191
Elfrida, AZ 85610

Tel: 520-337-0359

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